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Abstract Detail

Plant Symbiont Biology

Olivares, JE [1], Estrada, G [2], Campos, Francisco [2], Guillén, G [2], Alvarado, X [2], Díaz, C [2], Santana, O [2], Sanchez, F [3].

Genomics and RNAi Functional Analysis of a Highly Expressed Nod Gene Family in Phaseolus vulgaris.

Agrobacterium rhizogenes can be used to induce the formation of composite plants with a transgenic hairy root system which can be efficiently nodulated by rhizobia (Estrada et al., MPMI 19:1385-93, 2006). Here, a genomic analysis and an RNAi reverse genetic approach, was used to unravel the biological function of a highly expressed nodulin gene family of bean. Genomic analysis indicated that one in five transcripts in the bean nodule EST data base reported by Ramirez et al, 2005 is encoded by gene members of the npv30 gene family. ESTs from some members of this gene family were also found highly expressed in the leaf cDNA library. Although Npv30 transcripts are very abundant, they encode 30-32 kDa proteins that are hardly detected by biochemical and immunological methods, suggesting that these proteins have a short half-life and/or mRNAs are strongly regulated at the post-transcriptional level (Campos et al, 1995). In situ hybridization analysis indicated that npv30 transcripts showed a ubiquitous localization but were mostly located in the infected cells from the bean nodule central zone. Surprisingly, Npv30 proteins were mostly immunolocalized in the neighboring uninfected cells, in the intercellular space around the infected cells and the vascular bundles. Npv30 proteins have N-terminal signal peptides suggesting that they are membrane-associated or secreted proteins. In addition, they have two regions with zinc finger-like binding motifs (Cys-X7-Cys) that in vitro coordinate this metal. Finally, at the C-terminal end, all members have different tracks of prolines with variable lengths. Some members with large proline tracks are able to tightly bind profilin, an actin binding protein with a key role in the endocytic membrane pathway. RNAi analysis suggests that the npv30 gene family has a role in repressing a default death pathway or has an anti-death function in root nodules. CONACYT 42562-Q and PAPIIT IN2084075 are acknowledged.

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Related Links:

1 - Instituto de Biotecnología/UNAM, Biología Molecular de Plantas
2 - Instituto de Biotecnología/UNAM, Plant Molecular Biology Department
3 - Instituto de Biotecnología/UNAM, Plant Molecular Biology Department, Av. Universidad 2001, Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, 62210, Mexico

Bean nodulin function
secretory pathway
default death pathway
Functional genomics
transgenic bean nodules.

Presentation Type: ASPB Minisymposium
Session: M16
Location: Continental C/Hilton
Date: Monday, July 9th, 2007
Time: 10:40 AM
Number: M16001
Abstract ID:672

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