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Abstract Detail

Modeling and Computational Biology

Morozova, Nadya [1], Volpert, Vitaly [2], Bessonov, Nikolai [3].

Modeling of branching patterns in plants.

A major determinant of plant architecture is the arrangement of the branches around the stem, known as phyllotaxis. However, the specific form of the branching condition is not known. Here we discuss this question and suggest the model of the branching conditions which seems to be in agreement with biological observations. In our work we develop a mathematical model and study pattern formation of the whole, though simplified, plant organism where the main physiological factors of plant growth and development are taking into consideration. We model a growing plant as a system of intervals, which we will consider a branches. We assume that the number and location of the branches is not given a priori, but appear and grow according to the certain rules, elucidated by the application of mathematical modeling. Including four variables in our model: concentrations of the plant hormones auxin and cytokinin, proliferation and growth factor, and nutrients,- we observe a wide variety of plant forms and study more specifically the involvement of the each variable in the branching process. Analysis of the numerical simulations shows that the process of pattern formation in plants depends on the interaction of all these variables. While the given concentrations of auxin and cytokinin determine the appearance of a new bud, the growth of it is determined by the concentrations of nutrients and proliferation factors. The possible mechanism of the phenomena of apical domination in the frame of our model is discussed.

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1 - UIC, Department of Biological Sciences, Laboratory for Molecular Biology, 900 South Ashland Avenue, Chicago,, IL, 60607, usa
2 - University Lyon-1, France, Department of Mathematics
3 - Institute of MEP, St-Petersbutg, Russia, computer sciences

pattern formation

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P41004
Abstract ID:321

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