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Abstract Detail

Evolution of Development and Physiology

Brenner, Eric [1], Stevenson, Dennis Wm. [2], Little, Damon [3], de le Torre, Eduardo [4], Katari, Manpreet [4], Lee, Ernest [5], Egan, Mary [6], DeSalle, Rob [5], McCombie, W. Richard [7], Martienssen, Rob [8], Coruzzi, Gloria [4].

Genomic Approaches to Study the Evolution of Seeds.

One of the more intractable problems in terrestrial plant biology has been to understand the evolution of the seed plants, which is defined as an “integumented sporangium” derived from a fern-like ancestor. To understand the origins of the seeds, we have formed the New York Plant Genomics Consortium (http://nypgenomics.org) to survey the four remaining clades of gymnosperms representing the earliest surviving seed plants and the heterosporous lycophyte, Selaginella. We are analyzing ESTs from both vegetative and reproductive tissues from cycads, ginkgo, gnetum, and pine as well as the non-seed plant Selaginella (as an outgroup) to understand the genetic changes that enabled the formation of the ovule/seed. To perform our analysis we have developed several genomic tools useful to both the animal and plant community, which allow us to exploit ESTs and other gene sources for phylogenomic reconstructions. These include ViCoGenTA (http://nypg.bio.nyu.edu/vicogenta/) and OrhtologID. (http://orthologid.amnh.org/). These tools have allowed us to form a robust phylogentic tree to finally resolve the evolutionary hierarchy among the gymnosperms, as well as identify the genes, which contain node-defining characters associated with seed plant evolution. Positively identified genes are tested with a functional genomics approach for a role in seed development in angiosperms.

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1 - The New York Botanical Garden, Genomics, 200th St. and Kazimiroff Blvd, Bronx, New York, 10458, USA
2 - The New York Botanical Garden, ISB
3 - The New York Botanical Garden, Institute of Systematic Botany
4 - New York University, Biology
5 - American Museum of Natural History, Genomics
6 - Montclair State University, Biology and Molecular Biology
7 - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Genome Research Center
8 - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P27016
Abstract ID:2096

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